I am a tenure-track assistant professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington. I received PhD degree from Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst, under the supervision of Prof. Jie Xiong.
I was a recipient of Google PhD Fellowship.
Research Focus: Wireless Sensing, Mobile Health, Cyber-physical Systems, Smart IoT, and Wireless Networking
Two papers were accepted at MobiCom '25.
October 2024I'm invited to give a seminar talk at the ECSE Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Thanks to Dr. Ish Jain.
October 2024I'm invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee for MobiSys '25 and EWSN '25.
October 2024I'm very honored to be selected as a finalist for Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student Award at UbiComp '24.
September 2024I'm very honored to receive the Rising STARs award.
February 2024Our paper was accepted at MobiCom '24.
October 2023One paper was accepted at IMWUT/UbiComp '24.
August 2023Our paper was accepted at MobiCom '23.
May 2023One paper was accepted at MobiSys '23.
May 2023I'm happy to receive MobiSys '23 Travel Grant.
May 2023I'm happy to receive Krithi Ramamritham Computer Science Scholarship.
October 2022Our indoor localization paper won MobiCom 2022 Best Community Paper Award Runner-up.
October 2022One paper was accepted at SenSys '22.
August 2022I have been awarded the prestigious Google PhD Fellowship, and I'm the only awardee in the field of mobile computing.
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